venerdì 10 ottobre 2014

I <3 breadcrumbs

My recent trip to Sicily reminded me how much I love breadcrumbs, and also that breadcrumbs in italy are, quite oddly, crumbs made with old bread, as opposed to the orange stuff that is sold in northern europe to make schnitzel :)

So I took with me a small packet with breadcrumbs made by my mother. Italian, homemade, mother: when these three words are used altogether to describe something, it is normally food and it is normally delicious. 


The red peppers were roasted into the oven at 180 degrees for ~45 minutes, then placed into a bag and sealed to let them "sweat their skin away", then pealed. In a pan, fry a garlic clove cut in small pieces and a few anchovies (3 to 7 depending on how much you love anchovies, me 10); when the garlic is golden, add the red peppers cut in stripes. In the meantime, cook the spaghetti half way and pour them in the pan, then cook until ready adding their water from time to time. In another small pan, fry the breadcrumbs with some EVO oil until golden. When the spaghetti are ready, pour generously the breadcrumbs and enjoy <3

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