venerdì 10 ottobre 2014

A bed made of cheese

This came out less pretty than I thought but tastier than I had hoped, so please use your imagination ;)

A few days ago my mum came to visit me here in the cold north, where winter has already come (this is for all the GOT nerds), and in line with the worst italian stereotype she brought vegetables, cheese, herbs and a bunch of other italian tasty cousins of the tasteless stuff I can buy here :)

She even brought courgette flowers! We make pizza with those (we=italians). We fill them with mozzarella and anchovies and fry them (we=romans). But this time I made pasta:


In a pan, fry a garlic clove, 6-7 anchovies and chilli with oil EVO. When the anchovies are melted, add the pasta cooked half-way and continue cooking it adding its water. When the pasta is almost ready, add the courgettes flowers in stripes. Serve on top of a couple of spoons of fondue made with half gorgonzola and half milk (I made it in the microwave).

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