lunedì 25 agosto 2014

Story of a lonely cod

I am having some troubles in finding a decent fishmonger here in the Netherlands, the only fish I can easily find is salmon but salmon I like it raw so not much material for my blog :)

But I came across this cod, most likely died of loneliness, and I started dreaming about the baccala' (the salty dried cod) they do in Roma…


It took me literally 7 minutes to do it, 5 of whom talking with my nephew on skype (and luckily he has a good sight and at some point shouted "aunty, aunty, smoke!" saving my dinner)

200 gr codfish
100 gr cherry tomatoes
10 kalamata olives
2 teaspoons of honey
4 teaspoons of white vinegar
2 spoons of white flour
2 garlic cloves
oil EVO

Roll the cod cut in stripes into the white flour and pan-fry it with 3 spoons of oil EVO. When the cod gets tanned, remove the pieces from the pan and keep it warm. In the same pan, add a spoon of oil EVO and the garlic. After one minute, add the cherry tomatoes, the olives and some warm water. After few minutes, add honey and vinegar and cook for 2 more minutes (adding water if it gets dry). In the last 30 seconds I added back the cod really carefully to avoid smashing it. Salt and freshly ground pepper. Enjoy!

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