domenica 4 agosto 2013

THE pizza.

This trip back from Torino is the most appropriate moment to talk about something else that was soooo good I want to recall its amazing taste in my mouth again and again: my focaccia. Yes, after many trials, after being scattered from one food blog to another, I found THE recipe and I want to share it with the entire universe (BTW, there is some aficionado of my blog that reads it from Russia - wow - this is very cool as I do not know any Russian except the one with vodka and coffee)
A note for my non-italian readers: this is not the round pizza that you get in the pizza restaurants; this is more something similar to the pizza al taglio that you get as a quick lunch in shops, thicker and with more variety in the toppings.

THE PIZZA (for three big focacce)

500 gr regular white flour
500 gr semola flour
600 gr warm water
25 gr fresh yeast
5 teaspoons of honey
5 teaspoons of EVO oil
7 teaspoons of salt

Melt the yeast and the salt into the warm water and add honey and oil. Mix the two flours in a bowl and make a hole in the middle, then pour slowly the water inside the hole and start mixing with the hand. When all the water is added, start working on the dough on the table until it is solid and homogeneous, then let it rest for at least one hour in the oven turned off (with just the light on).
Prepare the baking trays with EVO oil, place one third of the dough in each tray without touching it more than necessary, and flatten it with the fingers VERY GENTLY, leaving the surface as irregular as possible, i.e., leaving the holes made by the fingers. Place the trays back into the oven and let the three dough rest and raise for another hour minimum.

I made three focacce: one with slices of potatoes, mozzarella, black olives, black pepper and red onions; one with tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil and speck, and the last I cooked it plain with just coarse salt and rosemary and then I stuffed it with prosciutto and mozzarella. I suggest to always sprinkle with coarse salt as the grains have a superb taste when they melt in the mouth. Enojoy!

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