giovedì 26 giugno 2014

Italy 0 - 2 Spain

Can't believe what I am about to say (considering that food is perhaps the only theme about which I feel some kind of patriotism, along with that sport in which we recently might not have done really great), but my Italian-style vegetable soup scored really poorly against the salmorejo in both taste and presentation :(

To give some background, a Spanish vs an Italian, throath infection vs wisdom tooth infection, unclear who was supposed to look after who, but love sometimes means also sharing antibiotics :)

Anyway, I thought about doing a vegetable soup as both could not really swallow, so I started with the usual base of celery-onion-carrot chopped in big pieces and I added courgettes and fennels, plus enough water to cover the vegetables. I cooked it for a good hour, then blended it leaving the texture quite coarse. In the meantime, I sliced one courgette and pan-fried it with two spoons of oil EVO. I added toasted Tuscany white bread, fresh chopped parsley, dill and some good oil EVO. 

Well, it was decent, especially the courgettes on top where making it less boring than what it was in fact. But.... oh-my-god how better the salmorejo was! Tastier and more suitable to the specific occasion, as it is served cold. On my defense I can say it is not vegan, so it is way easier to have something tasty when you add jamon and egg, but on the other hand I am sure it would have been delicious and refreshing also without them. I was defeated, but given the circumstances I don't mind too much :) 

mercoledì 11 giugno 2014

Asparagus night

Here in the Netherlands they are all about asparaguses, and in my endless journeys back and forth from Frankfurt I always see tiny temporary asparagus stands, giving the road a very romantic touch. Thus, every monday morning I thank the asparaguses because for a little while I am distracted by the thought that I am waisting hours of life in the dutch countryside :)

To make a concrete effort and please the god of asparaguses, I decided to throw an asparagus dinner party for two. The god of asparaguses didn't like it too much though, as my guest was delayed by about three hours and I ended up eating spoonfuls of strawberry jam while watching breaking bad :(


I roasted the peppers in the oven and peeled them carefully. I cut them into stripes and made tiny roses, stuffing the pepper stripes with pieces of anchovies. Lastly, curly parsley to decorate. (Sort of taken from


These were my winners and helped a lot during the journey to Eurodisney of the day after :) I boiled the big white asparaguses and then round a slice of ham around them, then a strip of puff pastry. A beaten egg on top and sesame seeds, 15 minutes in the oven and that's it :) (Sort of taken from


That were supposed to be shaped like involtini (rolls), but I forgot to buy the toothpick to secure them :D
I boiled the green asparagus tips for a couple of minutes. In the meantime, I rolled in flour the beef escalopes and cooked them in a pan with a spoon of oil and some lemon. I made the involtini with the escalope, a slice of gouda cheese and 5-ish asparagus tips. I baked the involtini in the oven for a few minutes. (Sort of taken from…. yes I was not that original after all :D )